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Myth Busters

Election Facts and Myths

Fact: Sharpie, blue, and black ink are okay to use.

Election myth:

Sharpies cause bleed through which will impact how ballots are counted.

Election fact:

Sharpie, blue, and black ink are the preferred methods for marking your ballot in the County of Santa Clara. Bleed through does not impact how ballots are counted. Please do not use pencil and other colored inks; there are procedures in place for reconciling ballots marked incorrectly.

Fact: Holes in the Vote-by-Mail envelopes serve as guides to help voters with special needs sign accurately.

Election myth:

Punched holes around the signature area of the ballot envelope allow people to view your votes.

Election fact:

Punched holes around the signature area serve as guides to help blind or low literacy voters sign accurately. The two holes help blind voters to tactilely identify the location of the signature space and the correct orientation of the envelope. One goes all the way through the envelope, one only through the front or back. The punched hole in the return envelope also allows election workers to see if an envelope contains a ballot.


Fact: The tabulation equipment is not connected to the internet.

Election myth:

The tabulation equipment is connected to the internet.

Election fact:

The tabulation equipment is never connected to the internet, nor do they have modems or hardware that could be remotely "activated."

Every county must validate -before every election -that the voting system is identical to the Secretary of State supplied trusted build by reinstalling the trusted build or utilizing the Secretary of State trusted build cryptographic HASH (essentially a digital fingerprint of the software and firmware) to ensure it matches the approved version and has not been modified.

For the comprehensive list about California’s voting system security standards, please visit CCROV #22105.


Fact: Vote by mail is the same as absentee voting.

Election myth:

Vote by mail is different than absentee voting.

Election fact:

In the Santa Clara County, vote by mail and absentee voting mean the same thing.

Educational flyers

What is ballot harvesting?


Local Voters Rights Act

Local Voters Rights Act

Election Security Safeguards

Local Voters Rights Act