What is the local Voters Rights Act?
The purpose of the local Voters Rights Act is to foster civic engagement and voter participation in Santa Clara County. This local Voters Rights Act will also guide the Registrar of Voters’ (ROV) voter engagement activities in cooperation with our community partners and residents regarding creating a more inclusive county so that all eligible voters are aware and informed of their rights and options to vote. Engaging voters with the motto, Your Vision. Your Decision, we hope to reinforce that Democracy is most empowering when all eligible members of a society participate and have an equal voice and decision at the ballot box. Together our voices are stronger.
In addition to working with the Registrar of Voters’ Language Accessibility Advisory Committee (LAAC), Voter Accessibility Advisory Committee (VAAC), and the Voter Education and Outreach Coalition (VEOC), the Registrar of Voters is seeking community partnerships to expand outreach efforts. We plan to work with our cities, schools and colleges, and community organizations and programs that target low propensity voters, including but not limited to: youth at risk or leaving the foster system, people who are homeless or without a fixed address, LGBTQ+, people with disabilities, the formerly incarcerated, short- and long-term residential facilities and hospitals, and people whose primary language is not English.
How can the community work with the Registrar of Voters?
To kick off this new effort, the Registrar of Voters has created a Voters Rights Act Tool Kit that provides information and outreach assistance regarding the local Voters Rights Act envisioned by the Board of Supervisors and the Registrar of Voters. We invite you to join our efforts in playing an active part in our democracy by spreading the word to over one million voters about the options they have for registering to vote and voting in Santa Clara County. Please find promotional verbiage that we ask that you add to newsletters, e-mails, and other distributions. The Voters Rights Act Toolkit contains links to videos, sample social media verbiage, and additional helpful information on the Registrar of Voters’ outreach programs.
Find out where our Outreach Team is doing work in the county through our Events Calendar. See an open date that you have space for the Outreach Team to join your event?
If you or your organization are interested in partnering with the Registrar of Voters to engage through the Voters Rights Act outreach and engagement program, please contact us at:
Registrar of Voters - Local Voters Rights Act Outreach Program
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (866) 430-VOTE [8683]
To advance participation, the ROV is making all available outreach materials downloadable for free, including instructions for completing forms, voter qualifications, voting by mail, and other Registrar of Voters’ programs under the local Voters Rights Act. Here you can also link directly to all available material created under Santa Clara County’s Voter’s Choice Act voting model, including the latest Election Administration Plan and voter outreach targeted mailers.
Materials provided in English are listed first, please scroll down to find additional languages the Registrar of Voters has translated materials. You can also visit our Voter Registration Forms and Frequently Asked Questions page and our Vote by Mail Forms and Frequently Asked Questions page for other voter materials you may be seeking. The Registrar of Voters has an active social media presence under the name “SCCVote” where you can follow and share the ROV’s messages. You can also find SCCVote on YouTube where you can view and share videos on multiple topics, and many of the videos have Closed Caption for the hearing impaired.
Outreach Materials by Language
Simply click on each language to expand the list of materials provided. You may also view our Guide to Translated Voter Forms and Materials to view a chart of different items. Please note, some items are provided by the Secretary of State, such as the California Voter Bill of Rights and all California Voter Registration Forms. For translated outreach materials related to the Voter’s Choice Act (VCA), please visit our VCA Promotional Materials page.
Voter Registration
Voter's Choice Act
Advertisements and Social Media Campaigns
Voters Rights Act
California Voter Bill of Rights
California Bill of Rights videos
Local Voters Rights Act Flyer

We would like to hear from you! Please provide your feedback or comments on the local Voters Rights Act by emailing us at [email protected].