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Go Paperless at County Voter Info Guide Delivery Preference Request.

Purchase Voter and Election Data

The Office of the Registrar of Voters (ROV) encourages you to speak to a representative prior to making a purchase. Below are the Candidate Services Division (CSD) and Voter Registration Division (VRD) contacts:
CSD at (408) 299-8639/[email protected]
VRD at (408) 299-8683/[email protected]

You must complete an originally signed application and submit the fee when requesting voter registration data. You can find the application and other information at the Voter Data File Requests webpage or click on the link below.
Voter Registration File Request Form
You have several options for submitting your application and fee to our office:
1) Fill out the application and submit the originally signed application to our office in person or by mail to the following address:
        Office of the Registrar of Voters
        1555 Berger Drive, Bldg. 2
        San Jose, CA 95112   
2) Pay the fee online at our Online Payment Portal, in our office when submitting the originally signed application, or by check, money order or cashier’s check when submitting the originally signed application by mail. We accept cash, credit card, check, or money order/cashier’s check.
PLEASE NOTE: Requests will not be fulfilled until the required document and fee have been received.

The Office of the Registrar of Voters (ROV) encourages you to speak to a representative prior to making a purchase. Below are the Candidate Services Division (CSD) and Vote by Mail Division (VBM) contacts:
VBM at (408) 299-8640/[email protected]
CSD at (408) 299-8639/[email protected]
You must complete an originally signed application and submit the fee when requesting vote by mail data. You can find the application and other information at the Voter Data File Requests webpage or click on the link below to access the application.

Vote by Mail Data Request Form
You have several options for submitting your application and fee to our office:
1) Fill out the application and submit the originally signed application to our office in person or by mail to the following address:
        Office of the Registrar of Voters
        1555 Berger Drive, Bldg. 2
        San Jose, CA 95112   
2) Pay the fee online at our Online Payment Portal, in our office when submitting the originally signed application, or by check, money order or cashier’s check when submitting the originally signed application by mail. We accept cash, credit card, check, or money order/cashier’s check.
PLEASE NOTE: Requests will not be fulfilled until the required document and fee have been received.

To request and purchase GIS Precincts Data or GIS Precincts Maps, please fill out the below application(s) and return the form(s) electronically to [email protected]. You may make payment through our Online Payment Portal, or in person at the Office of the Registrar of Voters (ROV) located at 1555 Berger Drive, Building 2, San Jose, CA 95112. Applications for data or maps will not be fulfilled until the ROV receives payment.
GIS Precincts Data Application
GIS Precincts Maps Application

Candidates running for office can make online payments to the Candidate Services Division at the Office of the Registrar of Voters for candidate filing fees or candidate statement deposits. Click on the link below to be directed to the online payment portal and select Candidate Filing Fee or Candidate Statement Deposit in the payment options section of the webpage. Please inquire with the Candidate Services Division at (408) 299-8639/[email protected] for the exact amount of the filing fee or statement deposit. Follow the prompts to make payment.  
Online Payment Portal

Members of the public can make online payments to any division at the Office of the Registrar of Voters (ROV) for miscellaneous voter and election information. Before making a payment, the ROV encourages you to contact the appropriate division to ensure your payment is received and forwarded to the appropriate staff member. Refer to the ROV Contacts webpage to find all division contact information. 
Click on the link below to be directed to the online payment portal and select Miscellaneous Voter and Election Information in the payment options section of the webpage. Follow the prompts to make payment.  
Online Payment Portal

Members of the public can make online payments to any division at the Office of the Registrar of Voters for additional services. Before making a payment, the ROV encourages you to contact the appropriate division to ensure your payment is received and forwarded to the appropriate staff member. Refer to the ROV Contacts webpage to find all division contact information. 
Click on the link below to be directed to the Online Payment Portal and select Additional Services in the payment options section of the webpage. Follow the prompts to make payment.  
Online Payment Portal

Campaign Disclosure committees can make online payments for FPPC Fees/Fines. Before making a payment, the ROV encourages you to contact the Candidate Services Division to ensure your payment is received and forwarded to the appropriate staff member. Please contact Candidate Services Division at (408) 299-8639/[email protected]
Click on the link below to be directed to the Online Payment Portal and select FPPC Fees/Fines in the payment options section of the webpage. Follow the prompts to make payment.  
Online Payment Portal