Election dates FAQs
What is the difference between a regular and a special election?
A regular election is an election that is held routinely, according to a set schedule in law. These must occur according to a regular schedule to elect public officials whose office terms are set to expire.
A special election is an election that is not held regularly and is not set by law. These are usually for the creation of a tax or bond, or for filling a vacant seat on a school board or city council, for example.
In County of Santa Clara, there are two elections that occur regularly. The state primary and general elections held in even-numbered years (2022, 2024, 2026 and so on).
Regularly Scheduled Elections in County of Santa Clara
• Presidential primary: First Tuesday after the first Monday in March of each even-numbered year evenly divisible by four
• State primary: First Tuesday after the first Monday in June of each even-numbered year not evenly divisible by four. These are the primary elections when California elects a Governor and other state officers.
• General: First Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each even-numbered year, when the nation is electing a President (2024, 2028, etc.) or California is electing a Governor (2022, 2026, etc.).
To see a list of local districts and cities the Registrar of Voters provides election services, please visit the Candidates and Measures page and select the link, Local Jurisdiction Election Schedule. For each scheduled election held, the local jurisdiction will have a different number of elective seats available on their governing board. To see a list of elected representatives and when their office is scheduled to appear on the ballot, select List of Officeholders.
Why doesn’t the County of Santa Clara have a regular election in November of odd-numbered years any longer?
The County of Santa Clara no longer has a regularly scheduled election in November of odd-numbered years. We used to, yes. The last regularly scheduled odd-year election was 2017.
Why? The cities, schools and special districts within the County have moved their election to occur in even-numbered years. State law passed in 2015 allowed local jurisdictions to move their election to even-numbered years to increase voter participation. Even-numbered year elections historically draw a higher turnout than odd-numbered year elections as California is electing its Governor or the nation is electing a President.
While California’s election law still lists an election date for odd-numbered years (see next question), in County of Santa Clara, this date exists to allow for special elections to be held.
Why are some elections held in March rather than June, or in August rather than November?
California’s election law has multiple dates each year when elections can be held. The law also determines if there must be voting locations set up for people to vote in person or if the election can be conducted by mail.
Listed below are the dates when a regular or special election can be held in California. Elections on any of these dates will offer multiple in person voting locations in addition to voting by mail.
- The first Tuesday after the first Monday in March in even-numbered years evenly divisible by four (presidential election years)
- The first Tuesday after the first Monday in March of odd-numbered years
- The second Tuesday of April in even-numbered years
- The first Tuesday after the first Monday in June in even-numbered years not evenly divisible by four (years a Governor is elected)
- The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each year
What is a mail ballot election?
In an election conducted by mail, the elections official is not required to establish in-person voting locations, but instead sends every registered voter a ballot in the mail. California election law has specific dates for when these types of elections can occur:
- The first Tuesday after the first Monday in May of each year
- The last Tuesday in August of each year