Join a Committee or Coalition

Do you have experience working or volunteering with Santa Clara County’s diverse communities or organizations that provide services to voters with language or physical access barriers?
Are you an educator or outreach expert who can provide insight into how the Registrar of Voters can reach our diverse communities?
Since 2019, the County of Santa Clara’s Registrar of Voters (ROV) has created volunteer advisory opportunities for the public – the Language Accessibility Advisory Committee (LAAC), the Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee (VAAC) and the Voter Education and Outreach Coalition (VEOC). Members will have open communication with the ROV Team and gain insight about how together we can make improvements and increase access to registering and voting in Santa Clara County.
You can find links to each group under the Voter’s Choice Act pull down menu on the ROV’s homepage. Or, you can read below a brief description and find a link to access each page where you will see committee member applications, announcements about upcoming meetings, agendas and minutes, and access to topics and materials the ROV may be seeking public input on.
Here’s a quick rundown on ways to get involved and provide meaningful feedback about how the County of Santa Clara Registrar of Voters (ROV) provides access to and information about voter registration and casting a ballot:

Language Accessibility Advisory Committee (LAAC)
The Language Accessibility Advisory Committee (LAAC) is a panel of community members who provide input on how the Registrar of Voters can better serve voters whose primary language is not English.
Depending upon the need, the Language Accessibility Advisory Committee (LAAC) may have monthly or quarterly meetings. Appointed members will be requested to attend scheduled meetings. All meetings are open to the public.

Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee (VAAC)
The Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee (VAAC) is a panel of community members who will provide input on how the registrar of Voters can better serve our senior voters and people with disabilities.
Depending upon the need, the Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee (VAAC) may have monthly or quarterly meetings. Appointed members will be requested to attend scheduled meetings. All meetings are open to the public.

Voter Education and Outreach Coalition (VEOC)
The Voter Education and Outreach Coalition (VEOC) is a diverse collection of community members who work cooperatively with the Registrar of Voters to provide feedback on voter outreach and education materials and help identify and invite additional communities that may be missing from the conversation.
Coalition members may also volunteer to help educate and inform voters in their communities about the Registrar of Voters’ new local Voters Rights Act outreach efforts, changes relating to voter registration and voting to become an ambassador for the Registrar of Voters help amplify our messaging, and to assist with staffing a voting location during an election.
Depending upon the need, the Voter Education and Outreach Coalition (VEOC) may have monthly or quarterly meetings. Appointed members will be requested to attend scheduled meetings. All meetings are open to the public.