Go Paperless at County Voter Info Guide Delivery Preference Request.
If you voted by mail before, your voting process will be mostly the same under the Voter’s Choice Act. However, there are a few minor changes that will make it even easier to cast your ballot.
Now all voters will automatically receive a Vote by Mail (VBM) ballot. You do not need to submit a VBM request. Ballots will be mailed about a month before each election, giving you plenty of time to mark and return your ballot when it is most convenient for you.
You have many options to return your ballot. Ballots must be returned before the close of Election Day.
There are many reasons why you might need a replacement ballot. For example, you might have lost your ballot or made a mistake when marking it. You can also request a replacement ballot if you need to change your address or update your voter registration information.
There are three ways to obtain a replacement ballot:
If you receive and vote a replacement ballot, your other ballots will automatically be void. Please destroy and discard your unused ballots. Only one ballot will be accepted per voter per election.
If you do not want to vote using the vote by mail ballot, you can go to a vote center to vote in person. If you vote at a vote center, your vote by mail ballot will be void. You can bring it to surrender at the vote center or destroy it and throw it away.
The RAVBM system will be available starting 29 days before the election. You must be a registered voter to use the system. Your voted ballot must be returned by 8 p.m. on Election Day or postmarked on or before election day and received no later than 7 days after Election Day.
Is the Remote Accessible Vote by Mail System available to All Registered Voters?
Yes. California law permits all registered voters to use the RAVBM system for every election beginning in 2022, regardless of whether the voter is a voter with disabilities or a military or overseas voter.
View a video on accessible vote by mail for voters with disabilities
Yes, voters with disabilities may use the Remote Accessible Vote by Mail System to access and vote their ballots independently and privately. Instead of using a paper vote by mail ballot, you can access an electronic version of your ballot, which can be marked using your own assistive technology at home. When you are done, you must print your ballot and it can be returned in your original vote by mail return envelope with your signature to the Registrar of Voters for your ballot to be counted. To preserve your privacy and security, your ballot selections are not transmitted electronically through the Internet.
Yes, Military or Overseas may use the Remote Accessible Vote by Mail System to access and vote their ballots independently and privately. Instead of using a paper vote by mail ballot, you can access an electronic version of your ballot. When you are done, you must print your ballot and it can be returned in your original vote by mail return envelope with your signature to the Registrar of Voters for your ballot to be counted. To preserve your privacy and security, your ballot selections are not transmitted electronically through the Internet.
All voters can directly access to the RAVBM system starting 29 days before the election. Additionally, for voters requesting the delivery of an Emergency Ballot pursuant to Elections Code section 3021, RAVBM access can also be provided as a form of delivery of the ballot by the elections official.