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Go Green by opting out of receiving your printed County Voter Information Guide in the mail and receive it electronically instead.

Go Paperless at County Voter Info Guide Delivery Preference Request.

Electronic Submittal of Candidate Statement

Options for Candidates Choosing to File Candidate Statement Forms Electronically

Option 1
  1. Email the Candidate Statement of Qualifications Form (Form) with appended candidate statement, and if applicable, an optional Request for Vietnamese Name Accents Form to the Candidate Services Division email address at [email protected] in accordance with the times and procedures set forth in the Elections Code for the preparation of the voter information portion of the County Voter Information Guide (CVIG). Refer to the Abbreviated Elections calendar for filing deadlines.
  2. Transmit by overnight mail or file at the ROV at the time of filing the Declaration of Candidacy, originally signed hardcopies of the Form, appended candidate statement, and if applicable, an optional Request for Vietnamese Name Accents Form, and make payment of the requisite fee within 72 hours of electronically submitting the documents.
Option 2
  1. File all originally signed hardcopies of the Form with appended candidate statement, and if applicable, an optional Request for Vietnamese Name Accents Form, and make payment of the requisite fee at the ROV located at 1555 Berger Drive, Building 2, San Jose, CA 95112, during normal business hours, with all other required and optional documents during an election nomination period. 

  1. A candidate may receive a Candidate Statement of Qualifications Form (Form) in-person from their county of residence or download the Form from the county website, append a candidate statement to the Form, and if applicable, an optional Request for Vietnamese Name Accents Form and submit electronically or file in-person with each county.
  2. Email the Form with appended candidate statement, and if applicable, an optional Request for Vietnamese Name Accents Form to the Candidate Services Division email address at [email protected] in accordance with the times and procedures set forth in the Elections Code for the preparation of the voter information portion of the CVIG. Refer to the Abbreviated calendar for filing deadlines.
  3. Please contact each county for specific instructions on filing hard copies and ensuring receipt of payment within 72 hours of electronically submitting the documents. All electronically submitted and hard copy documents, and requisite payments must be submitted to each county by the candidate, or a person authorized by the candidate.
  4. The candidate may be required to provide additional information that the elections official needs to comply with the state law and county voter information guide requirements.